
Blu Star pays for itself. Guaranteed.

That’s right. We’re so confident Blu Star Field Service Management System, along with process improvement consulting utilizing Blu Star’s tools, will lead to growth and savings, we’ll guarantee it.

Blu Star software implementation often initiates a review of financial and other processes and an analysis of operational efficiencies. Blu Star software’s powerful applications, information, and optimization tools often result in overall process improvement, including route optimization, improved Saves/Cancels rate, and increased cash flow.

Blu Star software is not only supported with unlimited technical support, but is also supplemented with expert consultants to lead you in process improvement techniques, as necessary. We are committed to making sure Blu Star software does everything you expect it to do for your pest control company.

Our Guarantee: Your first-year investment in Blu Star Field Service Management System will be equal to, or less than, the incremental growth and savings generated through process improvement and scheduling efficiency; fewer canceled/skipped jobs; and/or new revenue streams or we will refund the difference between the annual cost of the software and your growth and/or savings.